Good Books

What We Read in 2014

Here are some excellent books that we have explored last year.  Of course, good books are timeless, so the year doesn’t really matter.  I hope you enjoy these as much as we did!!

Good Books To Read What We Read In 2014

What We Read in 2014:

Good Books For The 13 Year Old.

My older son loves to read, he reads constantly. He also has a small quirk: he wants to permanently own the books he likes. He loves going to the bookstore to pick out books. Unfortunately, I just can’t keep up financially with the speed that he reads them at. A few years ago I talked him into getting at least half the books from the library. Check out what he read this past year:

Some Good Books For The 7 Year Old

Now that my youngest is an independent reader, our books have changed up a bit. Before bed his dad and I read to him every night. I have finished My Father’s Dragon to him, and he really loved it.  My husband is still in process with The Hobbit.

Good Books

Good BooksI get to read My Father’s Dragon, and daddy gets The Hobbit. We haven’t quite figured out what he wants to read on his own. On his own, he really enjoyed THE PEANUTS COMICS and THE GARFIELD COMIC. I got all of them from our local library sale, and they are well loved around here.

What mom and dad are reading:

I have been reading The Prayer For Owen Meany by John Irving for a while now. I am slowly working my way through it. It doesn’t help that I can guess the ending at this point. It is an enjoyable read, even though I am slow getting through it. I think with kids, dogs and everything else, my attention span is just not there anymore. So far I like this book.

My dear husband is still reading the 5th book of The Game Of Thrones. I read the first four books years ago, before they were on everyone’s radar. George Martin decided to take a long break between the fourth and fifth book, so when the fifth came out I re-read all of them. I think fifth book is better than the fourth. G. Martin is back to his old tricks of killing off characters, and I can’t wait for my hubby to finish reading it so that we can talk about it.  Also, I gave up on the show after the 2nd season, books are better!